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Online Video News

UK Broadcasters Plot Managed Transition to Universal Access Streamed TV

UK broadcasters, including the BBC, 曾说过,通过空中传输电视在经济上已不再可行,并设想未来视频流将越来越依赖宽带网络. 在一份提交给英国政府的关于未来电视分销的综合报告中, 英国通信管理局(Ofcom)发现,整个行业普遍支持继续向所有人提供电视服务,但对如何实现这一目标没有共识. 阿德里安•彭宁顿(Adrian Pennington)列出了Ofcom概述的三大战略,以及实现这些战略所面临的挑战.

SMNYC Sneak Preview: CTV vs. Mobile - Where Is the Value Debate With YumCrunch, Sling, Vevo, Telly, and Totem

On Monday, May 20, at Streaming Media NYC, YumCrunch的Mike Duffy将主持一场关于CTV vs . tv当前价值的辩论. Mobile. Confirmed panelists Kent Rees of Sling Freestream, Hedvig Arnet of Vevo, Dallas Lawrence of Telly, Totem的Steve Crombie将讨论如何识别代际和文化差异, how, 观众在哪里消费他们的内容,以及如何为每个平台制定用户体验和盈利策略, 同时找到每个领域的价值主张,以及在哪些关键内容类别中存在溢价, niche, and social factor into the equation.

Interview: IP Attorney Robert J.L. Moore Discusses Video Codec IP and Patent Monetization Issues

In this wide-ranging interview, 流媒体的Jan Ozer和Moore IP solutions的知识产权律师Robert Moore深入探讨了与视频编解码器知识产权问题和专利货币化相关的一些主题, two constantly moving targets.

SMNYC Sneak Preview: What is Premium Now Debate With 2E6E6, The Boxoffice Network, Totem Global, Team Whistle, and Quantum Media

On Monday, May 20, at Streaming Media NYC, 量子媒体协会的埃里卡·格鲁恩将主持一个讨论这一发明的小组, licensing, distribution, 以及付费内容的货币化,以及通过某种方式投资的投资回报率, with insights from Nathan Guetta of 2E6E6, Stan Ruszkowski of The Boxoffice Network, Steve Crombie of Totem Global, and Joe Caporoso of Team Whistle.

Why You Should Embrace Sustainability (But Not For The Reason You May Think)

为了真正产生影响,我们必须将可持续发展置于我们能够理解的环境中. It's hard, whether as individuals or businesses, 有时是为了把握气候变化的巨大概念,然后致力于“可持续发展努力”,作为产生影响的一种方式. But when there is context, 可持续发展的努力可以实现,而不必真正试图特别关注它们. Within the streaming industry, that context is power.

Vevo在IAB新前沿:FAST, CTV, OTT和程序化的短格式优化

On Thursday, May 2, Vevo, the world's leading music video network, presented "Watch More Music" at the 2024 IAB NewFronts. Topics covered included the challenges of achieving reach, recency, relevancy, and measurement in the current streaming ecosystem, the importance of brand safety and transparency in FAST, Vevo's continued expansion into the CTV space, and its ambition to become the world's largest programmatically traded TV network.

Fubo Unveils New Suite of CTV Ad Offerings During 2024 IAB NewFronts

Ad Units Represent Continued Innovation From a Company of Firsts

Introduction: Foundations of AI-Based Codec Development

To promote the understanding of AI codec development, Deep Render's CTO and Co-founder, Arsalan Zafar, 推出了一个名为“基于人工智能的编解码器开发基础:入门课程?." In a recent interview with Streaming Media Magazine, Zafar provided insights into the course's content, target audience, and expected outcomes.

Q&A: AI in Advertising With Rembrand’s Cory Treffiletti

Cory Treffiletti, CMO of Rembrand, 讨论了该公司对虚拟产品植入的程序化生成人工智能的创新使用, 以及人工智能在广告行业的发展速度,以及它颠覆传统媒体购买流程的方式.

Tubi and DAZN Announce Partnership for FAST Channel Launch in North America


’Round the Horn at NAB 2024: Videon, Telestream, Phenix, Ateme, V-Nova, Twelve Labs, Norsk, Dolby, and NETINT

任何NAB报告都像是盲人和大象的故事:你所经历的就是你所触摸的, representing a fraction of the whole and perhaps not even a good sample. That being said, here's what I touched during the show. Many of these experiences are accompanied by video that I shot of the interviews.


On Tuesday, May 21, Microsoft CTO Andy Beach and Fremantle SVP, 全球快速频道劳拉·弗洛伦斯将发表流媒体纽约开幕主题演讲. They will discuss the new Beat the BUZZR platform, how it gamifies FAST and capitalizes TV, the collaboration that brought it about, and the AI under the hood.

NAB 2024: Top New Tech for a Disruption-Ready Streaming Industry

来自NAB 2024的令人兴奋的新(主要是)人工智能驱动的工具和服务解决了非常具体的问题, 从拍摄伟大的iPhone镜头到自动创建短片,到提供实时低延迟翻译和字幕,到创建定制的广播节目,再到建立目的驱动的社交社区.

Streaming Media Sneak Preview: Computing While Cooling With Netflix, Adeia, the Greening of Streaming, and Help Me Stream Research Foundation

On Wednesday, May 22 at Streaming Media NYC, Dom Robinson, Founder, Greening of Streaming and Director id3as/Norsk, 将主持一个由领先的流媒体技术提供商和创新者组成的全明星小组,讨论如何使媒体的技术堆栈更具成本和能源效率,并在整个媒体供应链中实施合理和可持续的最佳实践, with insights from Sujana Sooreddy, Senior Lead Software Engineer at Netflix, Serhad Doken, CTO of Adeia, and Tim Fore-Siglin, founding executive director of Help Me Stream Research Foundation.

NAB 2024: Assessing the AI Revolution in Entertainment

在当今无情的人工智能热潮中,信噪比远未达到最佳状态,尤其是在NAB 2024, 从节目开始的那一刻起,一切都是人工智能的氛围,但有一个环节打破了噪音,用令人耳目一新的见解和坦率来交换炒作,标题是娱乐中的人工智能革命:一年了……

Is the AI Powering Your AI-Powered Gear Really AI?

A lot of products tagged as "AI-powered" were doing exactly the same thing before AI. 但将它们熟悉的功能贴上“人工智能驱动”的标签,会让同样的技术看起来新鲜而创新.

Bitmovin Live Encoder-Akamai连接云集成承诺降低出口成本和运营成本高达90%

On March 27, Bitmovin宣布在Akamai Connected Cloud上运行Live Encoder, 它有望提高大规模流的效率,并大幅降低数据传输(DTO)成本,这可能会使总体运营成本降低90%. 

Netflix, Max, Disney+ Password Policing Is Latest Bid for Streaming Viability

Following in the footsteps of Netflix and Max, 迪士尼+是最新一家打击账户共享以促进用户增长并保持业务可行性的流媒体公司.

流媒体预览:Vevo在CTV广告和货币化方面的战略趋势, Fubo, Spectrum, and DIRECTV

On Tuesday, May 21 at Streaming Media NYC, 流媒体的Nadine Krefetz将主持一个全明星小组讨论,重点讨论2024年及以后CTV广告和货币化战略的关键发展, with insights from Vevo SVP of Research & Marketing Julie Triolo, Spectrum Reach GVP National Sales Dan Callahan, Fubo VP of Ad Sales Jennifer Monson, and DIRECTV Head of Ad Sales Partnerships Matthew Jamison.

Streaming Media NYC Sneak Preview: The Subscription Prescription with Philo, Bango, Lightswitch, and Hub Entertainment Research

On Tuesday, May 21 at Streaming Media NYC, Lightswitch Co-Founder & 首席执行官Monica Villar将主持一个全明星座谈,探讨订阅流媒体电视不断变化的格局. 已确认的小组成员包括Philo业务发展和伙伴关系负责人Adam Salmons, Bango VP Marketing Giles Tongue, and Hub Entertainment Senior Consultant Mark Loughney.