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IBC 2023上的AI:基因已经从瓶子里出来了


几年前, 当行业第一次开始认真关注人工智能时, 这项技术实际上是机器学习的一种应用. 从那时起,工具和应用程序的进步和发展是惊人的, 这就是为什么SMPTE会长 Renard T. Jenkins told the 国际广播公约(IBC)那就是M&电子工业才刚刚开始经历十年的巨大变革.

Actually, industry experts expect the next 20 to 40 years of developments in media and entertainment to be dominated by conversations around this technology. It was certainly the pervasive trend at the IBC trade show permeating all corners of conference and show floor. 怀疑论者可能会指出,2023年是人工智能炒作周期的顶峰,就像立体3D一样, 虚拟现实, metaverse, and Web3, 人工智能将很快成为背景.

现在看起来并不是这样, although discussions are now being framed with a little less hyperbole and a little less fear and more practical assessment of the ways this multi-faceted technology can be best introduced and managed across the value chain.  媒体公司开始探索生成式人工智能,而不是制作全新的电影或节目, 而是为用户提供个性化的内容 提高媒体制作效率.

在IBC,对人工智能持怀疑态度的人并不多, 大多数高管选择强调人工智能只是一种工具的观点, 不是工作的篡夺者.


“谷歌相信人工智能是21世纪最重要的发明之一,德克斯·亨特-托里克说, 全球传讯主管 & 市场营销——谷歌深度思维的主题演讲.

Likening GenAI to the industrial revolution and the 信息 revolution he said the transition to the “intelligence revolution” would enable a new wave of creativity.

“GenAI可以对我们制作内容的方式产生巨大影响, 获取信息和综合数据以获得深刻的见解,他宣布。.  “AI essentially reduces the friction between accessing, sharing, and collaborating with 信息.”

Addressing the thorny issue of whether AI will replace humans in the workplace Hunter-Torricke countered that this view “undersells the value of people.” He said, “人们自然希望看到人类有更多的创造力,而人工智能将在此基础上放大和发展. 我们将看到更多AI发挥作用的内容, 但人类通过增加价值对这一过程至关重要.”

He said Google was looking decades ahead 更上一层楼 of AI or “artificial general intelligence … This is where AI advances to a much more sophisticated almost human level intelligence and tools that are vastly more powerful than today.”


在另一个会议上, Raghvender Arni, Director, AWS的客户加速团队为创意产业提出了一个更大的问题. “数据是真正推动人工智能向前发展的石油,”他说. “但是一旦你创造了数据,谁拥有它的版权呢?”

Amazon has been engaged in ML and AI for over two decades and its practical applicability in the media entertainment space is deemed very important to the business, 也许是因为人工智能需要所有的云处理能力.

“不会有一个基本模式来统治所有这些,萨米拉·巴赫蒂亚说, 全球媒体总监 & AWS娱乐. “利用api访问基础模型的能力, 以及利用开源解决方案, 会成为派拉蒙吗.”

“我们想确保你的数据是你的,”她补充说. “这是保护. 这是专有的. 这是你的IP,你应该控制它.”

昆西Olatundenbc环球孔雀电视台产品副总裁表示同意.  “业绩取决于数据的质量和数据的来源,”他说. “企业应该意识到自己可能面临的潜在风险, 尽管道德责任仍然是一个重要因素.”

Philippe Leonetti the boss of video security and management specialist Viaccess-Orca (VO) said it best. “每个人都可以使用ChatGPT. 关键是你如何运用它.”

Azure OpenAI和Firefly

在IBC, VO吹捧了与 微软的大语言模型(LLM)微软Azure OpenAI.  Leonetti继续, “To optimize AI performance you need data but having data or analytics or cloud is not sufficient. 你必须知道你想要实现什么,你必须精通使用它.”

在过去的几周里 Adobe发布了Firefly, GenAI的一套人工智能模型, 如文本到图像, which are “ethically sourced” from the public domain or from data Adobe has the rights to exploit.

“我们可以向创作者保证,使用Firefly是经过高质量内容培训的,Kylee Peña, Adobe的产品营销总监告诉IBC的观众.

也是Adobe的创始人之一 内容真实性倡议, 一个跨行业的社区,在如何部署人工智能的标准方法中团结起来. “我们的想法是用图像来呈现正在发生的事情, 它是在哪里训练的, 它是如何被改变来打击虚假信息和增加透明度的,” she said. “We’re seeing camera manufacturers joining us in this cause to protect the creative and give consumers all the 信息 they need to make informed decisions.”

The company said it was also introducing “Do Not Train” credentials for artists to tag their content if they do not want it used by an AI bucket.


刘易斯·史密斯汉,创新高级副总裁 & 媒体创意解决方案.Monks, was among several speakers to emphasize the potential of AI to automate and personalize media. 他将人工智能目前的状态描述为“有史以来最糟糕的状态”,” but that AI would “be the death of monoculture” and birth new “microcultures and subcultures that allow people to personalize their content.”

内容将不再基于年龄或位置等人口统计数据来创建和编程, he said, 而是在个人身份等方面. 他说:“人工智能为我们提供了大规模创建个性化内容的机会.

Bakhtiar说,如果组织希望获得竞争优势, they should think about how to leverage the vast quantity of data they have at their command to create “hyper-personalized, hyper-localized经验.”

John Footen,媒体医学博士 & 德勤的娱乐活动, also pointed to personalization of content as something that will be of “dramatic importance” in future. “GenAI的作用之一可能是创造你自己的化身, 所以你可以要求GenAI显示与你的情绪和社交环境相匹配的内容,” he said.

Avid的首席技术官凯文·莱利(Kevin Riley)敦促整个行业拥抱人工智能, 就像他自己的公司与微软建立广泛的联盟一样.


“不要害怕,”他说 IBC的另一个人工智能会议. “云同样被视为一个巨大的破坏者, but what has happened already is that there are a bunch of new jobs being created—and the same thing is going to happen with AI.” 

派拉蒙全球制作和工作室技术执行副总裁安东尼·瓜里诺对此表示赞同. “It’s not about replacing existing creative processes but about putting AI tools in the hands of creators and allowing them to use the tools as they see fit for the job,” he said.

Accenture’s Global Communications and Media Lead Any Walker predicted that by 2026 all creatives would be using GenAI to enhance media workflows.  沃克说,在内容创作和生产过程中,生成式人工智能可以充当“创意副驾驶员” 他告诉IBC日报

“这项技术可以进行分销和商业化?更上一层楼, 提升媒体公司向更广泛传播内容的方式, 更有针对性的受众, 更有效地管理和货币化资产,” he said. 


实际上,很多关于人工智能的讨论仍然只是空谈(或者说是夸夸其谈)。. One sector where it is making inroads as a practical solution is in helping producers and rights holders customize sports events.

Video transport systems provider LTN is already using the technology to make sports more appealing to younger generations, 该公司高级副总裁里克·杨说, 全球产品. 例子包括进出不同的演讲者或定制的评论.

Vinayak Shrivastav,创始人 & 人工智能亮点生成平台Magnifi首席执行官, reported that customization of sports content is already playing an important role in India “particularly with the younger crowd which wants to follow different layers in the content.”

就在节目开始之前, Magnifi announced a partnership with Grabyo aimed at delivering a “human-centered video automation workflow” for sports content creators.

This links Magnifi’s computer vision technologies with Grabyo’s live production and distribution platform to give sports producers the ability to capture, edit, 并快速发布体育直播的精彩片段, and at scale; “It’s going to be fascinating to see how many different versions of the same content can be created,斯里瓦斯塔瓦说.

Oddly it was Google’s Hunter-Torricke who struck the only note of caution when addressing the existential threat from AI. “我们需要处理 人工智能的近期潜在危险—such as mis信息—from bad actors whether individuals or nation states that might choose to use this power in harmful ways. But when dealing with technology that is advancing this rapidly and is this powerful it will be too late if you do not seek to control it today.”



在人工智能出现之前,许多被贴上“人工智能驱动”标签的产品都在做同样的事情. But labeling their familiar features as "powered-by-AI" makes the same tech seem fresh and innovative.

IBC 2023报告-派拉蒙,华纳兄弟.漫威高管讨论电影实验室2030年愿景

阿德里安·彭宁顿在IBC 2023上报道了来自派拉蒙、华纳兄弟的好莱坞首席技术官小组., Marvel, 环球影业则关注“电影实验室2030愿景”的现状, which aims to create a shift from siloed legacy moviemaking workflows to software-based and interoperable cloud workflows.

来自IBC 2023的报告- Fremantle, XUMO, Tubi和Fuse谈论FAST对质量的追求

快速频道开始变得很像电视——而且有很好的理由, FAST主要供应商Fremantle的高管表示同意, XUMO, Tubi, and Fuse. 策展是怎么演变的. 艾德里安·彭宁顿 reports from IBC 2023 about a panel on the future of the free ad-supported TV phenomena.

更新自IBC 2023 -华纳兄弟. Discovery着眼于广告视频点播的“巨大机遇”

阿德里安·彭宁顿在IBC报道华纳兄弟. 探索频道新的“广告-精简”视频点播方式, 它在德国推出了无广告版的Discovery+,并成立了新的TNT体育公司. 他还报道了YouTube最近在欧洲黄金时段推出的节目.
