华尔街宣布网飞公司回来了——流媒体公司如何通过多元化蓬勃发展, 个性化, and Optimization
After a dismal start to the year, 网飞公司 has surprised investors with its positive Q3 reportings. NASDAQ announced that the streamer shows “third-quarter 2023 earnings of $3.73 per share, which beat the Zacks Consensus Estimate by 7.8% and increased 20.3% year over year. Total revenues are anticipated to be $8.69 billion, suggesting growth of 10.7% year over year or 12% on a foreign-exchange neutral basis.”
Despite rapidly rising living costs, 网飞公司不仅通过打击密码共享和最近推出的广告层,成功地减少了用户流失,并获得了新的用户, 同时也让用户可以轻松地暂停订阅,而不是取消订阅, along with adding more diversified and personalized programming options. The streamer will also launch a brick-and-mortar presence with its 网飞公司的房子 retail stores, set to open in 2025. 这些举措利用了其他流媒体服务也显示出积极效果的趋势.
Amanda Mesler, Chair and CEO of Minna Technologies, 为网飞公司的成功和其在OTT领域的持续主导地位提供了几个关键点. “Given that we’ve all become so accustomed to convenient, cost-effective subscription services, 企业不得不大幅改变与客户互动的方式,她说。. “Moving to a more consumption-based model, 持续的价值交流和更深层次的多渠道内容和参与已经成为常态.”
“Churn and Return” – Why Users Love Flexible Subscription Options
订阅选项的灵活性是流媒体在这个充满挑战的经济时代保持盈利和相关性的关键. “Despite the financial pressures on households, 许多消费者在退出后几个月就选择回到付费订阅, known as the ‘churn and return’ phenomenon,梅斯勒说. “六成(60%)的订阅业务表示,多达五分之一的用户在六个月内取消订阅并重新订阅. 因此,启用无缝取消和重新订阅是必不可少的.”
梅斯勒强调了订阅暂停选项作为另一个关键留存策略的重要性. “The ability to pause a subscription is a relatively new feature, designed to provide more flexibility and 选择 to subscribers,她说。. “This has led to the emergence of new channels to manage subscriptions, such as banking apps and aggregators. In this landscape, it's important that subscription businesses offer flexible features, including pausing functionality, across all channels to protect recurring revenues.”
Why Diversification on Many Fronts Is Key
在当前的流媒体生态系统中,通过多样化为客户提供更多价值至关重要. 这包括更多样化的节目,以及完全脱离在线空间,转而提供实体产品和品牌零售店.
“我们的研究表明,一半的订阅业务更倾向于将产品和服务多样化,而不是削减成本,以减轻未来一年的经济波动和变化,梅斯勒说. “我们最近在网飞公司上看到了很好的例子,它即将进入直播内容领域 网飞公司杯它还计划在2025年开设新的零售和餐饮门店. 网飞公司之前也曾涉足零售市场,作为热播剧促销活动的一部分, including an ice cream line inspired by 陌生的东西, sold exclusively at Walmart.”
网飞公司甚至正在进军视频游戏领域,作为其用户多样化的另一条途径. “The platform has partnered with developer Ubisoft 致力于几款知名游戏,并计划推出云流游戏,因为这种方法似乎被视为一个潜在的增长领域,梅斯勒说.
How Users Are Empowered Through Enhanced 个性化
“现在,利用用户数据和人工智能对于希望提高个性化的订阅业务来说是必要的. 事实上, 我们的研究表明,几乎所有公司(94%)都使用第一方数据收集来增强他们对客户的服务,梅斯勒说. “With third-party cookies being phased out, 媒体企业正在寻求建立更全面的第一方数据战略,以提高广告和订阅收入.”
给订阅者一种控制观看习惯的感觉对于保持对服务的忠诚度很重要. “利用数据还可以在整个订阅者生命周期中增强个性化, including subscription packaging, 定价, 促销活动, and recommendations based on subscribers' viewing history and analytics,梅斯勒说. “最终, this enables businesses to empower subscribers with the control, 选择, and convenience that they demand and deliver a seamless, omnichannel customer experience.”
By quickly adapting to the shifting streaming post-pandemic landscape, 通过使用Minna Technologies概述的策略,网飞公司已经恢复了之前在市场上的主导地位. In order to survive and thrive in the ever-changing streaming marketplace, 所有的服务都应该注意到网飞公司的灵活性,它愿意超越过去的流媒体节目模式,进入零售领域, 游戏, and live entertainment spaces.
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对于流媒体电视观众来说,季节性礼物已经提前到了,但折扣不仅仅是圣诞节的. 最近,Verizon的客户获得了网飞公司和Max内容的折扣套餐,还有报道称,派拉蒙+和AppleTV+之间也有类似的联盟,这些都是流媒体服务提供商遏制流失和推动利润的最新尝试,这些利润将在新的一年继续在整个行业蔓延.
杰森仙童, CEO of growth marketing CTV ad platform tvScientific, 网飞公司第二季度的收益报告,以及这个付费OTT平台在近期和长期的广告收入增长方面所面临的挑战
Being indispensable has its advantages
网飞公司的新广告支持服务首次被纳入其收益报告, 有令人鼓舞的迹象表明,在2022年上半年失去客户后,这家流媒体公司似乎已经摆脱了危机.